10 Reasons You Should Elope

Let’s start off by saying there is nothing wrong with having a traditional wedding. However, not every couple has this vision for their big day. The 100+ guest count, dealing with all the vendors, not to mention all of the other planning that goes into the day; it can be daunting. The idea alone can cause so much anxiety that they may not want to get married at all. Aside from the planning, sometimes the thought of a giant wedding doesn’t align with everyone’s personality, which is totally okay. Here are a list of reasons why you should consider having an elopement over a full sized traditional wedding!

If you aren’t quite sure what it means to elope and you missed our other blog, check out Misconceptions About Elopements.

1) Elope = Less Stress

If you are opting for more of an adventure day to celebrate your elopement, your photographer will most likely do a lot of the research in scouting locations. This is a huge help with planning and will free up countless hours for you to concentrate on other things. A huge part of the stress that comes along with a full-size wedding is all of the planning, so if you are able to find a photographer who can do a lot of that for you, it would save you a ton of trouble!

2) You Hate Having All Eyes on You

Some people may like attention, but perhaps you are a bit introverted and are not one to enjoy being in the spotlight. The idea of all your guests staring at you the whole day can be intimidating, and of course can cause you to feel more stress. Elopements are very private; with either a selected group of your closest loved ones, or just the couple themselves. By eloping, you are choosing to feel more comfortable with who is present for your day.

An elopement in Carmel Valley California.

3) You Value Privacy

Having a more intimate gathering of your closest loved ones means more. You may value the intimacy of a smaller wedding than sharing one of the most personal days of your life with every single person you know, usually including some you don’t know. I have been to a bunch of weddings where the couple had no idea who some people were because the parents made it an obligation to invite them. That’s sort of weird right? It’s one of the most special days of your life and there are strangers present?

4) You Want to do Something Different because You Are Different

Elopements are nothing new, but the idea is only starting to catch on. I did a poll on our instagram stories and asked whether or not people even knew what an adventure elopement was. The majority did not. There’s nothing wrong with going your own way and trying something entirely different.

You need to do you. So if you are outdoor people, wouldn’t it make sense to have your wedding in an outdoor setting? Your love for nature should be reflected on your big day too.

Who said you have to do what the majority does? Which leads me to the next point…

Bride and groom kiss on the escalator on their wedding day.

5) “Tradition” doesn’t mean much to you

But tradition! I can personally relate to each on this list, but especially this point. You are your own person, so why ‘follow the crowd’? Doing your own thing is honorable and it shows that you are a unique person. Just because something has been done for generations does not mean you are obligated to do it. There can be a lot wrong with traditional values, do not let others make you feel bad about it.

6) You Would Rather Get More Epic Photos

Venues are often strict when it comes down to the schedule and only give photographers a certain amount of time to cover family photos and portraits of the couple alone. Elopements are entirely different! Depending on how much time you book with your photographer, you literally have that whole period to tell the story of your day. You can choose whatever location you want!

I can’t tell you how many golf course weddings I have shot in the past– these venues in particular are extremely limited. The majority of the time there is no scenery and you are most likely not allowed to go anywhere! I always feel horrible when a couple asks to go to a particular spot for photos and I have to be the bad guy and say ‘sorry, we are not allowed.’ These couples pay the venues THOUSANDS of dollars and aren’t even permitted to walk to certain spots. I could go on about this, but maybe that’ll be another blog post!

Bride and groom touch foreheads overlooking the ocean in Big Sur.

7) You Like to Avoid Drama

Unfortunately, with most families, a lot of drama can follow. This day is about the two of you so don’t let others take away your light. Every family has their share of issues and not everyone is close to their families. Sadly, I have been to weddings where fights break out, or someone gets their feelings hurt. Out of all the days, that should never happen at a couple’s wedding. Having an elopement can give you the option to only have who you truly want there.

8) You Save a lot of Money if you Elope

The average amount of money spent on a wedding for 2019 was $33,900 according to cnbc.com. That’s a lot of dough! Why not put it towards a gorgeous honeymoon spot or even a down payment on a house? Believe me, your guests do not care about the Jordan almonds they’re going to crack their teeth on. There is so much crap that is bought for a wedding which leads to the next point…

9) Elope Because it’s Better for the Earth

We don’t mean to hurt your feelings, but weddings are incredibly wasteful. Of course this is not the intention of the couple but it’s just a fact. According to the Green Bride Guide, the average wedding in the U.S. produces 400-600 pounds of trash. How horrible! Multiply that by the MILLIONS of weddings that happen around the world and you get a lot of garbage in landfills and an unhappy environment.

Make a great impact on the earth by shrinking your weddings carbon footprint and opting to elope! Here at Seeking Venture Photo, we are proud to follow Leave No Trace and make our couples follow those principals. If you aren’t familiar with the Leave No Traces click here.

10) You Value the Experience

A wedding often times can feel like a huge show you’re putting on. Stressing yourself out to impress your guests and worrying about how they are feeling can take away from the day. Maybe the gifts and the all-day praise don’t matter much to you. It’s lovely to be celebrated, but if you are doing a huge wedding just to get those gifts, you may want to reconsider what getting married means to you.

Your life will be a huge adventure together, why not start it off by having one? Elopements are for sure a more unique way to acknowledge your love for one another. You’re going to climb a mountain together in your coming years, why not start by climbing a mountain for your special day together?

Hiking elopement during winter in the snow!

Final Thoughts:

If you have been dreaming about your wedding since you were a child and are excited over that perfect venue and the thought of sharing the most personal day of your life with all your friends and family, have that big wedding! There is no wrong way to get married as long as if it feels right to you. Our goal with this article was to share some of the many reasons why couples are now opting for a more intimate day. Our values definitely align more with having an elopement, but we realize this might not be for everyone. No matter which way you go, make sure to stay true to yourselves and do what makes you & your partner happy.

Need some epic location inspiration for your future elopement? Check out our Big Sur, Oahu or Alberta blog!

Ready to plan your own incredible elopement?

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  1. Bailey says:

    These are such great points! I think elopements are definitely the way to go!

  2. Katie says:

    Wow these are such great points! I especially love number 5!

  3. […] But next time the topic of a couple eloping comes up, maybe you can help take out some of the confusion and educate someone else! There are many reasons why couple’s are now choosing to elope. […]

  4. Jessika says:

    Love all of the information! The way you explained everything was perfect!

  5. Zoe says:

    I whole heartily agree with each of these reasons! Beautifully put!

  6. Afton says:

    Yes! Experience above all else on a wedding day <3

  7. Samantha says:

    I love this! Makes me so happy to see all these reasons listed out, so helpful for couples that are trying to decide what to do!

  8. Rob Dight says:

    Wow point 9!!! I can’t believe how much waste a wedding produces!

  9. Katy homan says:

    These are all such beautiful & inspiring reasons to opt for an adventurous elopement… awesome images, too! ??

  10. Henry Tieu says:

    Not only these words are so valuable and incredibly helpful for couples who are trying to decide whether elopement is for them, but your photos are also so so fun and precious. Keep up the good work friend

  11. Jenn says:

    These are all such wonderful reasons and great advice! Thanks for sharing!

  12. Liv Hettinga says:

    I love all these tips so much!!! You made me realize how badly I want to elope! Every single one, I was like “yup, that’s me!” Hoping it’ll happen one day!

  13. Erica Fuchs says:

    This is a great list! Love the focus on helping the environment, it’s a point that is often overlooked when choosing between a traditional wedding or an elopement.

  14. Sienna says:

    So many good reasons to choose an elopement if it is what resonates with the couple! I am all for breaking the mold.

  15. Andrea Brandt says:

    You’ve made so many good points here! These are all great reasons to elope. I’m glad it’s becoming more “normal”. 🙂

  16. Carissa says:

    Love all of these reasons, such good information!

  17. Lindsay says:

    Such great info! I love that you threw in a little bit about you and also mention the environmental impact of a wedding vs. elopement!

  18. Kristen says:

    This covers everything! I may have to snag that fact about the amount of trash the average wedding produces. That’s crazy!!

  19. Anna says:

    I love this post! Such a good breakdown of all the reasons to elope!

  20. Traci says:

    This is a great informative blog about eloping!

  21. […] Aunt Karen is pissed you decided to go the non-traditional route and do things your own way. Of course it wasn’t your intention to sting her feelings, you just want to do your own thing and elope for various reasons. […]

  22. Great article! More couples could benefit from the reading your top 10 reasons to elope!

  23. Mark Maya says:

    #9 yess!! Let’s elope and help mother nature!

  24. Sharee says:

    Heck yes! I can’t agree more. These are all such great reasons to elope 🙂

  25. These are actually really good reasons to elope… as someone who did, I agree with all of these! Great post, thanks for sharing your thoughts!

  26. Kestrel says:

    These are all fantastic reasons, but I especially love the highlight of number 9 and saving waste.

  27. Amber D says:

    This is the best advice ever! I never thought about all the waste a wedding can leave, thank you for sharing that ❤️

  28. Erica Swantek says:

    Yes, yes, yes to all of this! I’ve always loved to elopements, but this year so many of my couples that originally had a traditional wedding planned became believers too!

  29. So many amazing reasons to elope! I eloped and I can relate to all of these.

  30. Dionne Kraus says:

    I love the way you broke down each different reason to elope. Super easy to navigate and read, as well as lots of useful information.

  31. This is awesome and so helpful! Think I’ll have my parents read this so they understand the purpose of elopements more!

  32. Sydney says:

    This was so insightful! Thank you for also addressing the misconceptions. So many people think it’s not right to elope! I say break tradition!

  33. Maaike Mayor says:

    There are so many people that will feel like these points resonates with them! Elopements are such an incredible way to get married!

  34. Ryan says:

    Wow, what a great guide on why you should consider eloping instead of the traditional wedding route. Great job!

  35. Ann says:

    Such a great list of reasons why some choose to elope! This can be such a personal, and emotional decision but if someone is on the edge, this might help show them how elopements can be great. ❤️

  36. Kat says:

    I’m so glad you brought up the waste. It scares me how much waste there is in general with weddings, from throwing out entire pies and meals to decorations that end up in our oceans, etc. Great list of reasons to elope!

  37. Christie says:

    Avoiding drama might be my favorite reason ever to elope! So many great points in here-thanks for this post!

  38. I really like that you mentioned how elopement weddings would be good for people who value their privacy. My boyfriend and I have been together for a long time we agreed that it’s time for us to tie the knot. I think an elopement wedding would be perfect for us so I’ll start looking for our options on this.

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